Refreshing Drink
739B04 ACCB03 DFE057 F7F2D4 F9E715
HomeGreenRefreshing Drink

Refreshing Drink - Image colors combination

This "Refreshing Drink" graphic has 5 dominated colors, which include Olive, Vivid Lime Green, Maximum Green Yellow, Antique White and Vivid Yellow. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.

Color Information Shades
  • Name: Olive
  • Hex: 739B04
  • RGB: (115, 155, 4)
  • CMYK: 0.258, 0, 0.974, 0.392
Vivid Lime Green
  • Name: Vivid Lime Green
  • Hex: ACCB03
  • RGB: (172, 203, 3)
  • CMYK: 0.152, 0, 0.985, 0.203
Maximum Green Yellow
  • Name: Maximum Green Yellow
  • Hex: DFE057
  • RGB: (223, 224, 87)
  • CMYK: 0.004, 0, 0.611, 0.121
Antique White
  • Name: Antique White
  • Hex: F7F2D4
  • RGB: (247, 242, 212)
  • CMYK: 0, 0.020, 0.141, 0.031
Vivid Yellow
  • Name: Vivid Yellow
  • Hex: F9E715
  • RGB: (249, 231, 21)
  • CMYK: 0, 0.072, 0.915, 0.023

Refreshing Drink Color Palette Image Format

Refreshing Drink - Color scheme palette thumbnail - #739B04 #ACCB03 #DFE057 #F7F2D4 #F9E715
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