HomeFlagsIberian Flag (Proposal) Colors

Iberian Flag (Proposal) Colors Hex, RGB & CMYK Codes

There are 4 colors in this flag. These are Dark Powder Blue (#00309B), White (#FFFFFF), Harvard Crimson (#C70318) and Golden Poppy (#FFC500).

This color combination was created by user Manish. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.

Color Information Shades
Dark Powder Blue
  • Name: Dark Powder Blue
  • Hex: #00309b
  • RGB: (0, 48, 155)
  • CMYK: 1, 0.690, 0, 0.392
  • Name: White
  • Hex: #FFFFFF
  • RGB: (255, 255, 255)
  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
Harvard Crimson
  • Name: Harvard Crimson
  • Hex: #c70318
  • RGB: (199, 3, 24)
  • CMYK: 0, 0.984, 0.879, 0.219
Golden Poppy
  • Name: Golden Poppy
  • Hex: #ffc500
  • RGB: (255, 197, 0)
  • CMYK: 0, 0.227, 1, 0

Iberism is the ideology of unifying Spain and Portugal. Several flag designs have been proposed for Iberia, most combine the colors and coat of arms of the two countries. The most famous of the Iberian flags is one created in 1854 by Sinibaldo de Mas i Sans. It has four rectangles of white, blue, red and yellow – the former two colors derived from the old Portugal flag while the latter two of Spain and Catalan.

Iberian Flag (Proposal) Colors Image Format

Iberian Flag (Proposal) Colors - Color scheme palette thumbnail - #00309b #FFFFFF #c70318 #ffc500
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