#E60601 Hex Color
Name: Electric Red

Color Name: Electric Red
HEX Code: #E60601
HEX8 Code: #FFE60601
RGB Code: (230, 6, 1)
CMYK Code: 0, 0.973, 0.995, 0.098

E60601 - Electric Red color image preview
The approximate English language name for the #E60601 hexadecimal color code is Electric Red. Its closest web safe color is #EB3834. The tints, tones and shades are displayed below.
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#E60601 hex to RGB conversion

The RGB equivalent of is #E60601 hex color code (230, 6, 1). This means it is composed of 230% red, 6% green and 1% blue.

#E60601 hex to CMYK conversion

Hex color code #E60601 equivalent in CMYK is 0% cyan, 0.973% magenta, 0.995% yellow and 0.098% black.

Color Tints of (E60601)

  • #E60601
  • #E91F1A
  • #EB3834
  • #EE514D
  • #F06A67
  • #F38380
  • #F59B99
  • #F8B4B3
  • #FDE6E6

Color Tones of (E60601)

  • #E60601
  • #DC120E
  • #D21E1A
  • #C72B27
  • #BD3734
  • #B34341
  • #A94F4D
  • #9F5B5A
  • #946867
  • #8A7473

Color Shades of (E60601)

  • #E60601
  • #CF0501
  • #B80501
  • #A10401
  • #8A0401
  • #730301
  • #5C0200
  • #450200
  • #2E0100
  • #170100
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